Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Beautiful Britannia 2011 R1 released!

Beautiful Britannia 2011 R1 released!

Well, isn’t it a happy new year? Firstknight surprised me overnight by uploading his latest release of Beautiful Britannia, which focuses on improving texture quality and playability in Yew. As you can see from...

Neverwinter Nights 2 now available on Steam

Neverwinter Nights 2 now available on Steam

You can file this under “it’s about friggin’ time.” That’s right, Dragons and Dragonettes…Steam has finally added Obsidian’s Neverwinter Nights 2 to its catalogue of games. It currently retails for $20 USD (well, $19.99…),...

Ultima V on a Passport MIDI card

Ultima V on a Passport MIDI card

Over at ByteCellar (the vintage computing weblog), blogger blakespot has linked to a YouTube video of the title screen from Ultima 5, with audio being handled by the dual-card Passport Wavetable MIDI card. It...

Rockin’ Ultima 5 theme music!

Rockin’ Ultima 5 theme music!

Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum alerted me to this: I could say more for the sound quality, but that right there is a pretty epic take on the title screen track from Ultima...

The Excalibur Brothers review Underworld 2

The Excalibur Brothers review Underworld 2

Not quite as laugh-out-loud funny as Spoony’s work, but also lacking in Spoony’s customary profanity: I didn’t have a chance to watch the whole thing, but the snippets I sampled seemed pretty even-handed. The...

xu4 resumes development

xu4 resumes development

Andrew Taylor’s SDL-based re-creation of Ultima 4 was intended to be a cross-platform version of the game, much as Exult is for Ultima 7. The project fell dormant after 2008, but has since been...

Outage notice: this evening

Outage notice: this evening

I was alerted to this by my hosting provider this morning: (mt) Engineers will need to perform maintenance on hardware for a Storage Segment of Cluster.03 on Tuesday, 1/4/11. We will keep this page...

Ultima 6 Online updated

Ultima 6 Online updated

Cataclysm got nothin’. Cear Dragon sent me an email to announce that the Ultima 6 Online client has undergone a major update in order to better adjust to the growing population of the U6O...