Screen shots of the never-to-be-released add on for Ultima VIII.
"What the?" The Avatar examines himself in disbelief at the end of Pagan: Ultima VIII. 320x200x256, Compuserve GIF format.
The Avatar looks up at the end of Pagan: Ultima VIII. 320x200x256, Compuserve GIF format.
The Avatar looks out accross the wasteland that Britannia has become at the end of Pagan: Ultima VIII. 320x200x256, Compuserve GIF format.
The Avatar is grasped in the Guardian's humongous hand at the begining of Pagan: Ultima VIII. 320x200x256, Compuserve GIF format.
The Avatar spies a monument to the Guardian at the end of Pagan: Ultima VIII. 320x200x256, Compuserve GIF format.
The Ultima VIII title screen. 320x200x256, Compuserve GIF format.