The CRPG Addict Plays Martian Dreams


The CRPG Addict has begun playing his 201st game: Martian Dreams. He’s only just started the game, and while he does have some reservations about the Worlds of Ultima spin-offs:

…when I first encountered the Worlds of Ultima* titles, my reaction was “oh, hell no.” Not only did the games codify a particular appearance for the Avatar, they gave him a set backstory and acquaintances. The Avatar was no longer traveling from my living room to Britannia; he was traveling from his house on his peculiar version of Earth–a version of Earth in which reporters still look and talk like 1930s caricatures and–to quote from the current game–“scientists have long suspected that Mars was capable of supporting intelligent life.” By Ultima VII, in which the character remains in Britannia at the end of the adventure instead of returning home, the deconstruction is complete. The Avatar is no longer my avatar but just a character of that title.

…he doesn’t seem totally put off the game itself:

So far, Martian Dreams hasn’t opened in a way that’s any more promising than The Savage Empire. The plot is just as goofy, and I have less of a clue how to proceed about the game’s main quest.

Okay, it’s not the most glowing review either. But then, he’s only just begun Martian Dreams; hopefully his estimation of it will improve with additional sessions.