DOUG the Eagle Dragon Breaks Serpent Isle Again…on YouTube

If you’ve followed DOUG the Eagle Dragon’s website over the years, you’ll of course have come across his anti-walkthroughs for various Ultima games. As the name implies, these are walkthroughs of the games that…don’t take a conventional approach to passing them, and in fact utilize every quirk and bug in the games’ engines to mess things up. It should be noted that DOUG (also known as tapewolf) doesn’t render the games impassible…although they often tend to become very unstable as he goes about his way through them.

His anti-walkthrough for Serpent Isle is, of course, no exception. And recently, he has put the whole thing on YouTube, complete with narrated commentary. Here’s the first part:

And the second:

The third:

And to close it all out, the fourth:

This last video also includes a few extra tricks and tips at the end, which are well worth a watch. And if that’s not enough Ultima madness for you, DOUG also has a few other videos of warped Ultima gameplay on offer, including:

You may also want to consider subscribing to tapewolf’s channel on YouTube.

(Hat tip: Infinitron Dragon)