Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #210

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

New NPC Conversation Window


In Release 38, the devs are updating the conversation window used for interacting with NPCs to, as they put it, “make it both more immersive and easier to use”. Basically they are hiding more UI elements and placing the chat in the very middle of the screen where you are looking at the NPC. They are also placing keywords in a toolbar at the bottom of the window. This toolbar will include most keywords you can use with the NPC including keywords relating to quests you are currently on and keywords learned from past conversations with that NPC. This saves you from having to scroll back to find keywords you might not remember. The list does not show any hidden keywords to discover though, so exploration will still be rewarded.


Important Update to Keys and Locks in Release 38

[A Dev+ Forum Post by Keith “Sannio” Quinn]locked-cage

As you adventure throughout Novia and the Hidden Vale, you’ll find that many keys now have a chance to break on each use.

Keys may have a good chance to break (such as the keys for the locked passages that interconnect underground scenes and the cages found in wilderness scenes throughout Novia), while others break about half the time (such as the key for the Kiln Cistern Alchemist’s Workshop), and some will never break (such as special keys required for quests).

When a key breaks, a message will appear in your chat window telling you so: “Your key (<name of key>) broke during use.”

If you use a lock for which you have several of the same key, only one key will break. (In other words, not all keys of that type will break, only one at a time.)

If there is ever a situation where more than one key type can be used to open a lock, the system will use a key that never breaks when one is available, otherwise it will use a key that has the greatest chance to break. (Note that we don’t have this situation in the game yet, but an example would be “Prison Cell A” opened by either “Key for Prison Cell A” or “Warden’s Key.”)

2 Responses

  1. Nice to see some new updates, but the game still remains broken for me, as it can’t load past 55%. It seems to have an internal exception while loading the map data, wonder if deleting the local files/creating a new character would fix it.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      Wipe the game and its files off your system, maybe, then reinstall fresh and spin up a new character.

      If after that nuke and pave approach it is still broken, spend some time reading through the log files.