Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Episode 48 – Are RPGs the Stars of the Video Games Industry?


Why RPGs Are the Stars of the Video Game Industry: Amanda Bower, columnist at Gamepros, writes:

In the video game industry, there are dozens of genres that categorize what kind of experience a player can expect from a game. The selection ranges from countless sports games to the exciting action-adventure setting, and we as gamers develop preferences by exploring various titles and recognizing what grabs our attention. Presently, most of us who play video games regularly know what we like, and what we don’t care for.

Personally, I have always enjoyed adventuring through a highly developed story in what are known as role-playing games, or RPGs. Although there isn’t a right or wrong answer to what the best video game genre is, I stand tall and proud behind RPGs for countless reasons. For me, they’ve continued to surpass every other category throughout the years.

Let’s begin with a little history lesson. Back in the early 1970s, Dungeons and Dragons was published, claiming the distinction of the first commercial RPG. Released as a tabletop game, Dungeons and Dragons introduced what is standard in most modern RPGs, including abilities, monsters, levels, and armor classes. Sound familiar? Other fantasy games succeeded this innovative experience, some of which transparently mirrored all that Dungeons and Dragons came to be: nothing short of awesome. About ten years after its release, video game developers realized how popular RPGs were and imitated their general mechanics, transferring them to early computer systems. Thus began the revolution of RPG video games.

So what is it that makes RPGs so kickass?

The Spam Spam Spam Humbug crew try to answer the question, and discuss the impact RPGs have had on the wider gaming industry.

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