Serpent Isle in Minecraft

Dark Path Iso F

AvatarAcid’s considerable prowess with Minecraft should be well known to you if you’ve been any kind of periodic visitor to the Ultima Codex; his renderings of Britannia circa Ultima 7 and a fanon interpretation of Stonegate as a fortress of Virtue are formidable examples of his skill. His Shroud of the Avatar-inspired Lunar Rift scene and Underworld entrance are also well worth taking a look at.

In like manner, if you’ve been following the Pagan in Minecraft topic on the forums, you’ll of course be familiar with just what he’s been able to do with the world and setting of Ultima 8.

Well, it turns out that some time ago, he also built several areas from the Serpent Isle in Minecraft. It would seem that he never released a downloadable version of these, nor did he finish rendering the continent in said blocky game’s engine. He did send me a number of images of what he did build, however. Feast thine eyes:


He also created a phenomenally good rendering of the Dark Path, which can be see at the top of this article.

I haven’t set up a project entry for these, as was the case for his other works listed above. If AvatarAcid ever finishes his work on the Serpent Isle, or if he decides to release it in its unfinished state, I’ll be sure to give it a home here.