Pillars of Eternity: Almanac of the Eastern Reach Inspired by Ultima 5


I don’t know how many of you follow the Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter page anymore, but the most recent update thereto — which discusses backer rewards — name-drops Ultima 5 in relation to one of the digital booklets that has been created for the game:

Of the many digital-only backer rewards you’ll be receiving, we’d like to present to you a few pages from the Almanac of the Eastern Reach, 2823 ai: For Colonists, Explorer, and Curiosity-Seekers. Inspired by classic games like Ultima V, we designed the Almanac as if it were written from within the game world. Our almanac happens to be penned by members of the Hand Occult.

Another lore heavy item, the Almanac contains a wealth of information. Folklore, major settlements and landmarks, local cultures, languages and expressions, a calendar of events, historical rainfall and planting dates and more can all be found within its pages.

Not that this is really a surprise; it’s a well-enough known fact that a number of the developers at Obsidian Entertainment are Ultima fans. Still, it’s rather a nice thing to see a game manual written from an in-universe perspective. Such things were the hallmark of the Ultima series.

(Hat tip: Infinitron Dragon)