Dost This Image Remind Thee of Ultima Too?


Forum user and Ultima Codex commenter Grav Por posted the above image to the Sword & Shield, noting that it reminded him of Ultima in some way.

The image was drawn by Ian Higginbotham, whose work covers a variety of genres and topics (fair warning: a couple of the images on his site could be construed as NSFW by a sufficiently irate HR person). At his site, you can also find an alternate version of the image above.

2 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    If Ian doesn’t know what’s up with Ultima then that’s one hell of a coincidence. Then again, I think Garriott got the idea of moongates from Time Bandits. I can’t remember if it ever showed anything like an Ultima moongate though. I just remember him saying he paused the movie on the map shot and tried to copy it down on paper.

    • Stirring Dragon says:

      Time Bandits did, and it even opened up from bottom to top like some of the later Ultima ones did if I remember correctly. I actually always like the moongates from Ultima III the best for some reason best.