So There’s a Wing Commander Easter Egg in Ultima Underworld


Our friends at the Wing Commander CIC reported on an easter egg that someone uncovered in Ultima Underworld. The news actually went up in October, so my apologies for the delay in posting about it here.

Andi Green spotted a little known secret tucked away in Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss. A set of runes includes a defiant Kilrathi message from the future! “Thou canst not defeat the Drakhri!” The old-timey English was obviously reworded slightly, but Drakhai (Kilrathi Imperial Guards) ended up becoming Drakhri (medium fighter). Both emerged about the same time (the Drakhai in SM2, Drakhri a few months later in WC2), but they’re definitely not the same thing!

For what it’s worth, there’s no mention of the Drakhri anywhere on the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, so for all intents and purposes this probably counts as a new discovery.

2 Responses

  1. Infinitron says:

    I’m quite certain it’s not new. Probably just nobody ever bothered commenting on it on the Internet before.

    Or maybe somebody did:

  2. Sergorn says:

    Yeah I saw it mentioned before too, and I’m pretty saw it while playing as well.