Ultima Journeys: Revenge on the Enchantress


Well, that didn’t take long at all! Attentive readers may recall that I only just reported on Linguistic Dragon’s now-penultimate Ultima 2 session, which left him poised to complete the game.

He has now done exactly that:

With trepidation I wandered in through the gates, past the force fields and the devil-and-demon pair of guards, who left me alone. Slowly, carefully, I explored the castle, finding a life insurance salesman, a small chapel for devil worship, an eerie museum with a specimen of nearly every creature and brand of townsfolk I’d met, a she-creature that looked strangely like an orc begging me to take her… Minax was keeping some twisted things in her castle. I eventually found her in one of the corner towers, and I rushed her amid spell slinging and many shrieks of “Die fool!” before I landed a hit and she simply vanished from her position.

I found her again in the opposite corner’s tower (conveniently labeled ‘Chamber Two’) where I again suffered at the hands of her long range spells before getting close enough to land a blow with Enilno, and again she simply winked out of the room once I struck her. Back and forth I ran between the two towers, taking ever more circuitous routes with copious use of the strange coins I’d collected throughout my journeys to avoid dealing with any more of her minions than I had to (they overpowered me on two previous attempts to assault her stronghold). With each blow, she grew weaker and weaker, until with the fifth strike, she perished beneath my blade, her castle crumbling to ruins around me, all her works dying with her.

He plans to treat us to one more post concerning Ultima 2 — his final thoughts on it — before moving on to Ultima 3.