New Gallery: Ultima 4 Articles

Good Evening Friends!  This week I got to post 3 more sets of scans to the Origin Gallery for the community to enjoy and share. Our own, Kenneth Kully,  already talked about about two of the posts yesterday.  Hopefully next week I will be able to get more scans up on the gallery for people to enjoy.  The newest post was a set of scans for Ultima 4, including 2 Reviews, a Softkey, and Mapping program articles.

As always, please feel free to comment below. All of us here at Ultima Codex enjoy reading comments and shared thoughts/memories of these great games of days long past.  Although for many of us, we still replay them thanks to DOSBox and other methods.


UPDATE: I have made a correction and an update to the Files thanks to Odkin who posted to this article.  Turns out a file name from years past was mislabeled. I had gone back to the original hardcopy and renamed the scanned full document and even added that to the file package for people to enjoy.   <3  to ya Odkin…. this is what i get for assuming i correctly scanned and labeled all these things back in my high school days in the 90s.

3 Responses

  1. Odkin says:

    All the references to “Computerist” should instead be “Computist”. I have those mags, and their companion “Hardcore Computing”!

    • GolemDragon says:

      You are right, I went back to the old original hardcopy and it is Computist…. I will correct them. I guess the digital files were mislabeled all these many long years… Thank You! 🙂

  2. GolemDragon says:

    I updated them to “Computist” as well as updated them to the full original scans from the 1990s. Much <3 Odkin for catching that. I feel like an idiot for not correctly naming those files back then. But then I was young and stupid back then…