Why Are There So Few Fan-Made Ultima Music Videos?


Kevin Fishburne, it would seem, has charitably forgiven my tardiness in reporting on Sanctimonia…or, at least, I infer as much from this comment he left on the recent article about it. Of course, in that same comment, he deflects matters onto what I agree is a far more dire and concerning oversight:

What’s truly embarrassing and unacceptable is that so few have made Ultima Music Videos. AMV is a term unto itself, but UMV? The Space Bards video is the gold standard from what I’ve seen so far, but we need more. Here’s mine, though without original music so it’s more like a traditional AMV but with Ultima:

I challenge all Ultima fans who are able to mix videos of Ultima and music and produce more UMV’s. Let Gundam fans quake at the prospect of their videos being overrun by Ultima!

For those of you unfamiliar with the acronym, “AMV” stands for “Anime Music Videos“, which are — as you can well imagine — fan-made videos that splice together various clips from anime movies and television shows to serve as a music video for a chosen song.

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Indeed. Here’s a video of the global culmination of virtuous endeavors, with a special appearance by the Avatar going supersonic through the ionosphere. No doubt the Time Lord himself conducts the symphony. Think big, but act as if there are no limits.


    What are they saying, anyway? Frito Lay?