Shroud of the Avatar: Map Puzzle Pieces Reveal Parts of the Island of Novia

Dallas Snell has the unnerving habit of posting updates to the Shroud of the Avatar website on Friday evenings, an odd time to send out lengthy missives that include encouragements for backers of the game to purchase content from the Shroud of the Avatar Store. Because really…how many people are paying attention to their email after the dinner hour on a Friday?

But I digress. In the latest lengthy update (it would really be a good idea, wouldn’t it, to break this content out over a few updates released over the course of a week…), we were given a look at five map pieces, each of which (it was claimed) was in some way associated with one of the story excerpts released over previous weeks.

Here are the map pieces:

Now, the stated connections to the story excerpts seem…tenuous, at best. That said, the areas of the map of the Island of Novia depicted in the pieces themselves are at the same scale as the map of the island proper that was released some time ago. As such, it was ludicrously easy to overlay the pieces on the map…so I did:


I also took the liberty of translating as many of the names of towns and geographical regions into English as I could. Click on over to the Island of Novia page at the Ultima Codex’s Shroud of the Avatar subdomain for that.