Hearth of Britannia: Rustic Dragon Joining Portalarium

Well…it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy (click ahead to 5:07 or so):


That’s right, Dragons and Dragonettes: Rustic Dragon will be joining the Portalarium team — starting on Monday, the 28th of October — in a hybrid web development/community relations role. And once he has finished the Lords of the Hearth event, and sent out the Telethon of the Avatar prizes, he will be moving — permanently — to Austin, Texas.

I think congratulations are in order! Rare indeed is the Ultima Dragon who gets to fulfill one lifelong dream, and here the good Mr. Toschlog has managed to do it twice.

And don’t worry: the Hearth of Britannia isn’t going anywhere, nor are the Dragonsmeets. That said, there will be a two week delay between Dragonsmeets, as Rustic Dragon acclimates to his role at Portalarium, carries out the Lords of the Hearth event, and then packs up his life and moves it to Texas. Oh, and the cookbook project will also continue, and in fact may see its timetable accelerated as a result.