Rustic Dragon Appointed Caterer for Lords of the Manor Dinners

Although the Hearth of Britannia’s Telethon of the Avatar fell short of its $1 million goal, it nevertheless managed to raise over $12,000 for Shroud of the Avatar, and was well-attended by Ultima fans and Portalarium developers alike. And, as if the opportunity to chat and break bread (virtually) with his long-time idol for several hours over the course of a weekend wasn’t enough, Rustic Dragon has been given even more amazing news:

This past Sunday, it was publicly unveiled that I will be catering the Lords of the Manor events for the highest-tier donators to Richard Garriott de Cayeux’s newest project, Shroud of the Avatar. For those of you that know me well, you know that this is something I’ve wanted ever since I threw my first party. It is a tremendous honor and I’m excited beyond succinct words.

I’m officially living the dream.

Congratulations, Rustic Dragon! Thou hast done well, indeed!