Hearth of Britannia: Site Update, 24 Hours of Awesome

Rustic Dragon has overhauled the look of the Hearth of Britannia website, making the “hearth” connection quite literal in the site’s interface. As well, he has teased another detail about whatever it is he has planned for next month: it will be “24 Hours of Awesome”.

Yes, yes…a stunning, riveting amount of detail. Rustic Dragon is evidently keeping his cards quite close to the vest with this one.

As well, with only a bit more than a day left before the next announcement concerning this “game-changing” thing, it’s worth noting that Rustic has set up a “The Entire Game Changes” Facebook event. If you’re of a mind to take in whatever it is that Rustic has in store, be sure to mark your calendar!

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Maybe Spoony will be joining the culinary endeavors. Steely knives will abound!