Bethesda Thursdays

The Legendary Edition of Skyrim was released in Europe recently. The PC version is a bit cheaper than the console version, for whatever reason.

And speaking, for a moment, of consoles, Bethesda Softworks has confirmed that The Evil Within and the new Wolfenstein game will both be coming to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Oh, and what the heck…OpenMW has had another productive week, with significant progress made on its AI, and significant hurdles encountered when building it for Windows.

Now…if The Elder Scrolls Online is of no interest to you whatsoever, you can stop reading now. Everything that follows will pertain to said upcoming MMORPG, which was (as was to be expected) shown off quite a bit at E3 this week.

So…TESO will launch in the spring of 2014, and (curiously) will put PC gamers and console gamers on separate servers; PC and Mac users will be one one server, while Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will each be serviced by a separate server. Why? I don’t know.

I do know that Michael Gambon is now involved with the project, however. And it must be admitted that TESO does look really nice in trailers.

Gamerhub caught up with Matt Firor of Zenimax Online for an interview about the game’s open beta. And over at Massively, they took a look at the concept of loyalty in the game.

1 Response

  1. Infinitron says:

    PC versions of games have traditionally been cheaper than console versions. That’s only changed in the last three years or so.