The Savage Empire Remake: Creative Writing

Scythifuge has posted a brief update to The Savage Empire Remake’s Facebook page:

What does this mean for The Savage Empire & future projects you may ask? Well, The Savage Empire is a re-imagining of the original game. While the goal is to recreate the core game, I intend on expanding upon it. I have new characters with ideas & goals, ideas for new quests & features. I want this game to be a tad more epic in scope.

An interesting update from Scythifuge.  I wonder what storyline changes he is considering for Savage Empire.  Personally, I’d love to see an expansion on some of the tribes of Eodon.  Some of the tribes and their quest seem tacked on or too short, such as the Yolaru, the Barako, or the Pindiro tribe, whom you only had to ask if they were interested in helping, and they immediately hopped on board.  I also think  the conflict between the various tribes could be expanded upon.  What do you think?

Check it out!

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Maybe the discovery of a mysterious black monolith, sent by unknown forces, beckoning the dawn of a New Age on planet Earth?

    Avatar: “Open the portcullis, Daemon.”

    The as-yet-unknown Guardian: “I’m sorry Avatar, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”