Pix in Austin: Return to the Savage Empire

While in Austin to join the Wing Commander CIC team at GDC Online, Origin historian Pix took the opportunity to visit the Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve on the outskirts of the city. The name of the preserve should be instantly familiar to anyone who has played Savage Empire…or read its manual.

Pix’s retelling of the trip is fairly short, though the numerous embedded images bolster its length some. It certainly sounds like a harrowing take of adventure! Or, you know, a fine afternoon stroll. One of the two.

1 Response

  1. Pix says:

    A fine morning stroll actually. It’s a nice spot if you want to escape the city for a while. 227 acres is less than it sounds and you can literally walk every path in not much over an hour.

    It has another slight Ultima link as when Richard Garriott stopped doing his haunted houses, the team responsible did haunted trails at Wild Basin instead for several years.