Back to Roots: Updates and ToDos

Hot on the heels of his most recent site update, Fearyourself has posted another entry at the Back to Roots project site:

I know I haven’t provided a lot of news but things are moving forward in the BackToRoots project. I’ve almost finished the port to XML for every file type. I’ve also been handling a few todos in the project that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. For example, I’ve optimized the text renderer to only update itself when needed, the wind direction is generalized and can be set via a configuration file, and optimized the U5 data file handling to only load it on a need-to basis.

There is still a bit of things to do before you see any new features but, hopefully, it will be soon! So, as always, the project continues its stabilizing and getting the code base much more “maintainable”.

As always, it seems that this promising project is proceeding at a healthy pace!

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Excellent progress. The logic revisions and format standardization will increase longevity and hopefully cause bugs in hiding to flee into the light and be fixed. Much the same here, so good all around.