New Gallery: Pagan the Beautiful

Some of you may have noticed that Julio Siqueira’s website, Pagan the Beautiful, was offline. This, as it turns out, was for financial reasons; he couldn’t afford to keep running the site. I wish I had heard of his plight sooner; I would have happily offered him space here at the Ultima Codex to host his work!

Julio’s work with the world of Ultima 8 was nothing short of incredible, as he painstakingly stitched together in-game imagery to create what are effectively large panoramic images of all the different areas of Pagan that the Avatar can visit. Fortunately, before he took his website offline, he put together a WebExe version of it, and uploaded this to a file-sharing site. Thanks to a tip from Infinitron Dragon, I was able to grab this file and extract many of the original, high-resolution images from it.

You can find both the images and a copy of the WebExe download at the new Pagan the Beautiful gallery, over at the Origin Gallery.

10 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Hopefully Julio will hear of this and contact you for hosting. Also I hope all’s well with him in general. Stitching together maps is old-school and not for the faint hearted. Taking a peek at a few of the images I see that Pagan was actually quite nice looking.

    Considering the arcade-like nature of the game, how cool would it be to see it recreated Ultima Underworld style using the Ultima VIII map data files? Seems like a natural fit to me.

  2. kobrakai says:

    I have his e-mail. I will contact him ASAP.

    • Sanctimonia says:

      Awesome. Maybe it’s just me but things around Aiera/UltimaCodex have seemed a little socially disconnected lately. Not much back and forth. Not to sound melodramatic, but Kobrakai’s doing us a service by keeping the bonds strong. People forget how fragile communities like ours can be.

  3. Dungy says:

    This is great! Goodies for the Codex of Ultima Wisdom

  4. kobrakai says:

    Bad news.

    Failure Notice.
    Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
    Remote host said: 550 User unknown [RCPT_TO]

  5. Hi Guys!

    Thank you all so much for the comments. I am putting back online Pagan The Beautiful. It is at the url below:

    Feel free to copy it or to reproduce it in any way you all feel fit. The images are free! Actually they kind of belong to Origin and later on buyers; but I truly believe the whole work fits in the fair use policy for copyrights and, most importantly, it stimulates people to play and to buy the game!

    Very Best Wishes to You All !
    Julio Siqueira