Haxima 2 Is In Development!

Dino noticed (and Petrell informed me by email) that Gordon McNutt — the guy who created both the original, Ultima-inspired tile-based Nazghul engine, and Haxima (the first and — that I know — only game built with it) — has begun work on Haxima 2.

A short news update at the Nazghul website is all that Gordon has posted, noting that he will be using Github as his source repository. He is also building a UI for it, which he calls Azoth. A project development log is posted here. The project is being build in Python, and can currently be installed from command line on (I presume) Linux.

His most recent accomplishment was porting the Azoth UI over to something called libtcod, and away from the curses library. This evidently has several benefits, including better colour depth and height maps. As yet, it doesn’t seem he has any screenshots posted, but I’m sure we’ll see something posted soon.

2 Responses

  1. Sslaxx says:

    An all-new engine for an all-new game, eh? Interesting.

  2. Sslaxx says:

    Note he’s using PyGame/SDL. Wonder if he’s taken a look at Pyglet?