DOSBox…Now With MT-32 Emulation

The Wing Commander CIC is reporting that a custom build of DOSBox has been released, which incorporates the MUNT emulation patch to add true Roland MT-32 support to the DOS emulation environment.

Though it was intended as a prosumer-grade MIDI synthesizer, the MT-32 quickly became an effective standard for high-end sound in computer games, and several games were built which to this day offer the best possible sound experience to users with either an actual MT-32 setup or a decent emulator. Several Origin games — Wing Commander, Wing Commander Academy, Wing Commander 2, Savage Empire, Martian Dreams, Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld 2, Ultima 6, Ultima 7 and Serpent Isle — were released with support for the MT-32, and arguably sound their best when they are able to take advantage of that system.

Anyhow…some lion of technology who goes by the moniker Taewoong is responsible for the custom DOSBox build, and you can download it from his site. He has also uploaded a video of the first mission in Wing Commander to show off just what the custom build is capable of.


Sonic goodness.

For you Wing Commander and Ultima fans who want the best possible sound experience when playing your favourite games in DOSBox, this is now officially your best available option; be sure to check it out.

56 Responses

  1. BRUNO says:

    many many thanks for this 🙂

  2. wcnut says:

    oh to enable put the roms in the gameboxer and add:


    to your Dosbox Prefrences.conf within the gameboxer that is generated

  3. wcnut says:

    Alun officially released boxer with munt emulation. With much better, refined features, including a uniform place to put the roms, and LCD messaging. As such I removed my version. Check boxer out at