cAndy Apple: an Apple II emulator for Android

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The project website, on Google Code, can be found here. For the moment, it appears that the app has been pulled from the Android Market by the author, while he works to address performance issues some users have reported.

So I won’t be creating a project entry for it, at least not right now.

Of course, you Dragons and Dragonettes may be wondering why this is even worthy of mention. I thus offer, for your consideration, what another blogger whom I read on occasion had to say about it:

By way of example, this morning I told [my wife] the extremely exciting news that one heroic lion of technology has ported WinApple to Android! You know what that means, that’s right, the entire Ultima series, starting with Akalabeth, on your phone. And Wizardry. And Swashbuckler. In fact, you might even be able to fit the entire Asimov achive on it! Strangely, she did not react with the celebratory glee and happy dance that one would naturally expect upon learning of such a grand leap forward in the human race’s mobile standard of living.

Which is actually, for the most part, self-explanatory. So for all you Android users out there, you will (hopefully soon) have another means open to you to play the most classic Ultima titles on your mobile device.

5 Responses

  1. Glanestel Dragon says:

    Hey there wtf. Just wanted to mention that, for some reason, the last posts have appeared with a strange error in the RSS feed ( For the last weeks, in the RSS feed every post appears with its contents duplicated in the feed. You should be able to see that in the feed address, so I don’t think it’s a problem with my reader. Maybe some weird configuration somewhere?

  2. wtf_dragon says:

    Yeah, that is weird.

    Hmm…so it has, so it has. I think I’ve identified the source of the issue, a plugin I had installed from…way back long ago, really. I’ve disabled it, and also set the RSS to just post an article summary. That should solve things.

  3. Glanestel Dragon says:

    Thanks, the issue was, in fact, resolved. However, as you said, now it is only showing the summary. Previously, I used to read the whole article plus its images in the RSS feed, without the repetition… any particular reason you changed it to “summary only”? Just to be sure? I liked the non-summary non-repeated format….

  4. Glanestel Dragon says:

    Now it’s working perfectly. Thanks!