Action plan

Okay, since I’m sick and tired of the site languishing like this, it’s time to get back into gear and restore the damn downloads. My goal is one restored download a day; if I can’t do even that little, I should probably just hang up my dragon wings and call it a loss.

(I’m only kind of kidding when I say that.)

Also, more regular updates of news-type items will again become the norm. However, in order to facilitate more passive news reportage as well, I’m thinking about building up a list of Ultima-related RSS feeds. If anyone out there is aware of Ultima-themed sites that offer RSS feeds (it ticks me off that this has not become an essentially universally common feature yet), drop a link in the comments! (I’m already aware of Dino’s RSS, FYI.)

So, starting Tuesday…expect a download!

3 Responses

  1. Julio says:

    I give you all my support!

  2. Dino says:

    Wow, I had actually forgotten about my RSS feed =)

  3. wtf_dragon says:

    Heh, that’s funny.

    Basically, I’m thinking of assembling some sort of page (or maybe just modifying a few sidebar elements here) which displays aggregated posts from as many RSS feeds as I can find and link to.

    Not that most of those feeds will see even daily updates. But still…