The Feudal Lands updated

Wizardry Dragon has posted an update to explain both his rather long absence and his site’s recent outage. As occasionally happens with projects such as these, “real life” got in the way for our friend Wizardry.

But, get this:

I will likely be releasing a fully-playable version of TFL in the first quarter of next year. This is a fully playable version. Not all the quests may be in and such, but the world and NPCs and all the little subsystems Ive spent years building and tweaking will be there. I think it adds all the more to the world of U7 and TFL, and hopefully when you see for yourself you’ll agree.

Now that’s some exciting news.

Man, is it a good month for projects or what?

1 Response

  1. Im just hoping it lives up to expectations, or at least gives people something they enjoy playing!

    I more than anyone know that I’ve been at this for a while now — I started fiddling with Exult in the second last year of high school and now Im four years out of college. 🙂