U6Project downloads work again (and so do all the Ultima 6 downloads)

And they even include the Milestone 6 release!

I’m just tackling another issue I’ve left unaddressed for too darn long; if there is time after it is resolved to get yet more Ultima 6 uploads working, I will get them working.

Update: with literally a minute left before I run to catch the bus, I’ve gotten the last of the Ultima 6 downloads working again. Enjoy!

Point of Interest: since April 15th, when the first downloads were restored, the site has logged the following download stats:

    Total Files: – 197
    Total Size: – 3.0 GiB
    Total Hits: – 4,295
    Total Bandwidth: – 50.0 GiB

Over 50 binary gigabytes of data served since mid-April…and this with less than half the download links functional![tags]Ultima 6 Project[/tags]