Titans of Ether: June 2009 Update

Direhaggis posted this update last month, but of course I’ve been lax in keeping up with community news during the site rebuild. My apologies to all concerned (and a frothy mug of ale, or rather another one, to Mark Mitchell for pointing this out to me).

At any rate, he lets us know that Ultima IX: Redemption still has a couple of job openings in the development team:

Interior Worldbuilders: we’re always looking for more people who can do houses or dungeons.

Writers: with the exception of LSD, most of the writers to come on in the last few months have suddenly disappeared. While we could still use 1-2 people to work on Jhelom and help me with Moonglow, I only want serious applicants who can do at least 5 hours of writing a week.

…and fills in some details about the various things that the team members have been working on or have achieved. It sounds like a lot of recent development has centered around Despite, Spektran, and Empath Abbey.

2 Responses

  1. Direhaggis says:

    A lot of Spektran activity, indeed. We’ve also been concentrating on Terfin, and implementing some game mechanic stuff related to skills.

  2. wtf_dragon says:

    Splendid! Excellent to hear!