Ultima 2 downloads work again

I almost forgot to mention that the downloads section for Ultima 2 has been made fully functional again as well. So if you have a moment or an inkling, good reader, check thou it out!

By the way: a few sundry things need to be mentioned.

1) In the comments below, please leave your thoughts as to whether I should convert the image-handling aspect of the site over to Flickr, as I have been doing with my other websites. There’s any number of WordPress plugins that make it easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy to bring images over into articles here at Aiera, and using the external site also makes it easier to restore images to proper function in the event of my needing to switch ISPs again.

2) I’m in the process of building a redundant backup of all uploaded files using my Windows Live Skydrive account; I’ll start adding links to existing downloads next week.

3) I could really use some assistance with downloads, as they are restored; it would be swell if one or two people could, where possible, check the developer homepages for site content and make sure that Aiera has the most current copy of each remake, patch, and utility.[tags]Flickr[/tags]

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