Lost Sosaria team; another dead project

Over at Lost Sosaria, there is news of a new team member — Reclaimer Dragon — joining the project to assist with map development and plotting. I’m pretty jubilant about this fact, and would like to remind any interested Ultima fans out there that we can always use more help.

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Also, while Googling around for something completely unrelated, I stumbled over an old Ultima “expanded universe” project: The Official Ultima7: Part 3 – Lands of the Dark Unknown. It would appear that the developers were attempting to use the Ultima 7 engine, and the early Ultima 7 editing tools, to tell the tale of what happened to the Avatar between being snatched by the Guardian at the end of Serpent Isle and being dropped into the world of Pagan.

I’ve added this project to the cemetery, as they would appear to have folded some time back in 2001, and did not leave any project files behind.